Howard Rosenthal
VP Creative Business Development/
Executive Producer
As do all members of our team, Howard wears many hats in the Mr. Food organization. Besides bringing endless creativity and energy to our many projects, he also continues to foster new business relationships based on the Mr. Food philosophy.

Helayne Rosenblum
Senior Writer/Producer
When it comes to finding the right words for Mr. Food, Helayne has more experience than anyone…except Mr. Food himself! A seasoned professional, Helayne has shared her expertise in the media and public relations arenas with us for more than 14 years and, in that time, she has been
Mr. Food’s senior writer, as well as his key researcher always in search of relevant, engaging show topics.

Patty Rosenthal
Director of Menu Research and Development
Patty coordinates a team of creative home economists and everyday cooks who develop and test recipes based on the quick & easy philosophy of Mr. Food. With more than 20 years of experience in the food industry, she has been a valued member of the Mr. Food team since 1994. During that time, she has created thousands of popular recipes for the Mr. Food TV show, as well as for more than 30 Mr. Food cookbooks.

Steve Ginsburg
Executive Producer
No job application was needed for Steve,
since you could say he was born for this position. Steve, the oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Food, started producing the Mr. Food segment in its early years and now continues in that capacity, as well as serving as Chief Executive Officer of Ginsburg Enterprises, Inc., the Mr. Food parent company.

Caryl Ginsburg Fantel
Director of Publishing and Communications
Caryl has served in this capacity since the mid-1980s, overseeing all marketing and public relations for the company, as well as the editing of the Mr. Food TV recipes and Web site. Her attention to detail unparalleled, Caryl has also edited the close to 50 Mr. Food cookbooks.

Art Nardin
Technical Director
Besides being the nicest guy in the world, Art long ago secured his role as a key member of the Mr. Food production team. With more than 30 years of experience in his field, Art’s responsibilities include technical direction of our show, as well as supervision of the production crew.

Eric Michaelson
Director of Photography/Studio Production
You could say Eric’s main responsibility is to keep us all focused. As our director of photography for more than 15 years, Eric continues to ensure that everything looks perfect, from every detail of the food to the final “Ooh It’s So Good!!” shots, and we thank him for that.

Robert Lynch
Director of Photography/
Location Production
At countless location shoots, in an amazing variety of settings and circumstances, Bob
has displayed his incredible eye for detail.
For more than 15 years, Bob’s unique style and limitless patience have made him an invaluable part of our production team.

Mark Bolding
Mark is a seasoned production engineer with more than 20 years of television production experience. He oversees the set-up and operation of our production equipment and works directly with our technical director to ensure that everything is in sync and runs flawlessly.

Dan Murray
Video Editor
Post-production is a vital part of any
successful TV show and, with Dan at the controls, we know we’re in good hands. His
in-depth knowledge and experience on the editing board make him look like a magician!

Ethel “Mrs. Food” Ginsburg
With Mr. Food always on the go, it’s not an easy task to keep him always looking his best. Whether we’re shooting in the studio or on location, Ethel coordinates Mr. Food’s wardrobe with our production team for each segment, as well as keeping his suitcase packed and ready for travel to countless events and special appearances.