
- 5 dozen
- 1 Hr
It seems like someone brings buckeyes to every cookie exchange party. What are buckeye candies? They have a smooth peanut butter filling and are coated with rich semisweet chocolate. This is such an easy chocolate recipe, it's no wonder they're so popular!
What You'll Need
- 2 cups smooth peanut butter
- 1 cup (2 sticks) butter, softened
- 1 1/2 pound confectioners' sugar
- 1 (12-ounce) package semisweet chocolate chips
- 1/3 cake paraffin wax (see Note)
What to Do
- In a large bowl, combine peanut butter and butter; mix until smooth. Gradually add confectioners' sugar, stirring until thoroughly mixed. Form mixture into 1-inch balls, place on a waxed paper-lined rimmed baking sheet, and chill for 1 hour.
- In a double boiler over medium heat, or in a saucepan over low heat, melt chocolate chips and paraffin wax, stirring until smooth. Stick a toothpick in the center of each peanut butter ball and dip each three-quarters of the way into the chocolate mixture, coating all sides except the top quarter. Place on the prepared baking sheet and remove toothpick. Using your finger, fill in the hole left by the toothpick.
- After dipping all the peanut butter balls, cover, and chill, or freeze until ready to serve.
- For even moe recipes that use both peanut butter and chocolate, check out our Peanut Butter Recipes: Top 40 Recipes with Peanut Butter.
- Everyones loves food, so if you like spreading love with "foodie gifts" then check out these easy recipes that will make anyone smile. We even have a whole collection of gifts in a jar!
- Making homemade candy recipes is fun and exciting, and while you're baking you might need to know How to Melt Chocolate.
Are you a chocolate fan? Then we think you're going to love the chocolate dessert recipes featured in our free eCookbook, Death by Chocolate: Dessert Heaven with 30 of Our Best Chocolate Recipes. | |
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Want to make even more easy candy like this buckeye recipe? Then you'll love our free eCookbook, Homemade Candy Recipes: 20 Old-Fashioned Recipes for Chocolate Candy, Fudge, & More. |
Read NextMelt Away Peanut Butter Fudge
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bubba810 2828660
Feb 02, 2019
How can I get my buckeyes to stay on the toothpick? They always fall in to the chocolate.

Test Kitchen Team
Feb 04, 2019
Hi there! Make sure you're using regular jarred peanut butter, and not homemade or fresh from the store, because the consistency is different. Also, you can try freezing the peanut butter balls instead of chilling in the fridge. We hope that helps!

Oct 29, 2017
I have always wondered how to make buckeyes. They taste like Reeses, but even better. I don't even know what paraffin wax is, so I am a little stumped by this recipe. I will take a look at what the reviewer below said, and look for substitute ingredients. I love the mix of chocolate and peanut butter!
fkulbacki 2263318
Oct 27, 2017
Never ever put paraffin wax in your chocolate. Mortal sin. Either temper your chocolate or buy self tempering chocolate wafers which are made by Wilbur chocolate in Litiz, Pa. You can find these on line at Amazon. I am a retired Hershey Chocolate Co. employee that used to teach chocolate processing and tempering for the company. Thanks you won't regret omitting the paraffin.

Dec 11, 2015
I made these once for a bake sale, and they were such a huge hit! I'd definitely make them again.

CCCOLTS 5116809
Oct 21, 2015

Test Kitchen Team
Oct 22, 2015
Hi there! We recommend using a little less of the paraffin wax and additionally making sure to heat your ingredients over double boiler on a lower heat. We'd love to hear how this works for you! Thanks!

buncogranny 826757 8
Oct 21, 2015
I use paraffin but about half that amount. Paraffin helps the choclate to set and keepe it glossy.

Jan 02, 2015
I make this for my son. It is his favorite. Instead of the chocolate chips I use Almond bark chocolate. After I roll the peanut butter I melt bark and dip them in gives it a better texture.

Dec 14, 2016
I'm glad you posted this comment. I was wondering if I could do the same thing. Thanks again.

adkins3637 3467472
Oct 22, 2014
For years made these,never used paraffin and they were great...

rogersjl 9619587
Jan 09, 2014
The paraffin is to harden the chocolate. coconut oil will not do that.

jsm42 2250298
Nov 19, 2013
I have NEVER make Buckeyes, but I think I will give this a try and will use solid coconut oil in place of the paraffin. If it does not stay in a "ball", then we can just eat it with a spoon!....LOL
sherrybaby1 327471 5
Nov 17, 2013
I found one recipe on pinterest that used vegetable shortening instead of the paraffin. I was glad to find with the paraffin since I want to send them back to sister in Ohio for Christmas. They will handle the shipping better this way.

omdm1 1773707
Sep 19, 2013
no paraffin , would like to know what to use instead tks, mccoy
damenickum 2244145
Nov 17, 2013
Use a chocolate candy bar, such as Hersey's special dark chocolate, or milk chocolate. The bar was tempered to be solid at room temperature and as long as you keep the melting heat low, and just barely melt the chocolate bar there should be no need for wax, shortening, lard or any other additive that makes my hair curl! (I put the broken up bar in a glass measuring cup and melt by 15 second increments in the microwave. When it's soft but still has a bit of the shape, and can be stirred its ready!) I have never used wax in chocolate and we dip pretzels, fortune cookies and mold candy every year for both Halloween and Valentines day. Keep your heat low and the water away. Linda

Member 5497992
Dec 27, 2013
I have made these for years and everyone loves them I use Gulf wax it can be found in the baking isle (cake mixes,cookie mix,etc) alot of people use it for canning it is edible and makes the chocolate coating nice and shiny I have used this same recipe for the last 10 yrs.

Member 9678362
Dec 31, 2013
I use chocolate Almond Bark instead of chocolate chips and paraffin and it works great. I melt it in double boiler...no microwaving in my home.

HLGulas 0253019
Aug 18, 2013
I'd like to know what I can replace paraffin wax with as I live healthy, organically (as much I can afford - and when possible - Farmer's Markets are a biger help than supermarkets in this). I don't want to use prarfin (I'm a 40 yr. old, 37 year juvenile diabetic - insulin diabetic all of my life except for 3 years prior to onset - so I am very conscious of food choices and ajust insulin to accomaodate treats. I research food and sources, effects, and outcomes, so anything that replaces paraffin )not in my opinion, a natural food type item). Please share replcement for pararffin ideas...

Test Kitchen Team
Aug 19, 2013
Thank you for your question, it's a good one! We have not tried this recipe in the Test Kitchen with anything but paraffin wax. We are not familiar with organic substitutions for paraffin. We would recommend doing a search on the internet for substitutions for this product. Good luck!

adkins3637 3467472
Oct 23, 2013

sunshine 39
Nov 17, 2013
I make these every year but use Make N Mold chocolate discs found at Hobby Lobby or you can use the chocolate discs from Wilton. Make N Mold are much better. No need for wax

missik777 6477704
Mar 03, 2013
I grew up in Ohio, these were very popular there. Then I moved to Illinois and later Indiana, no one in either state had ever heard of these. Yea Buckeyes! Also, I never use paraffin in my recipe. I just omit and they come out fine.

balistreribet 7525 069
Feb 28, 2013
i have this same recipe but did not know they were called buckeyes, just peanut butter balls.

Feb 10, 2013
From Ohio, love these candies.. try making with honey roasted peanut butter, so good.

barbsbarge 1876144
Dec 19, 2012
I use shortening instead of paraffin,it works.

HLGulas 0253019
Aug 18, 2013
I don't want to use paraffin. How much shortening should be used in this recipe in place of paraffin? I'm a concerned mom of a 2 1/2 year old son, only child, and my husband and I have health issues (mainly me) that prevent any other children, I am very concerned and read labels on what we consume and ingest. I love my first tastingf of these candies (a 90-year old neighbor gave us 6 of then from California) and we are now addicted! :) Please share the shortening amounts for this recipe. My personal email is: Solstice122172@aol.com.

Dec 10, 2012
Can someone answer some paraffin questions for me? I found my paraffin wax by the canning supplies, and it mentions candlemaking and canning on the box, but doesn't say anything about using it in food, although it says that it is highly refined. Also, this is a 1 lb. box with 4 cakes(?) in it. So I use 1/3 of 1 of those cakes(?)

Test Kitchen Team
Dec 17, 2012
Great question Paraffin wax is widely used on fruits vegetables and candy to make them shiny and pretty as well as to retard moisture loss and spoilage Waxes are made from vegetable oils palm oil derivatives and synthetic resins as well as other materials Some people notably those who are allergic to aspirin may be sensitive to many waxes depending on their ingredients Paraffin wax is edible and is often added to chocolates The addition of paraffin to the chocolate candy gives it a nice glossy finish and helps it remain solid at room temperature Be aware that paraffin is flammable when overheated so warm it gently in a double-boiler or microwave only to the point where it is melted However some paraffin is not intended to be ingested such as that sold for candlemaking so check the label Gulf Wax Paraseal Canning Wax Household Paraffin Wax is a popular brand…Read More of paraffin used for canning and chocolate-making I can tell you that I have personally made this recipe for Buckeyes myself with Paraffin and have eaten plenty of them and I am fine

Jan 12, 2013
As with all baking, it can be 1000 things, including the way the wind is blowing, but what probably did it was the temperature of the butter. Once butter gets too soft (or is even melted), it never achieves the same structure again (that's why the freezing didn't work well). Try again, and make sure your butter is just softened, not soft. Good luck!

missik777 6477704
Mar 03, 2013
I have made these for years, ever since I was a teenager, as I grew up in Ohio. We NEVER used paraffin, and they came out fine. If you want you can use a little vegetable shortening but not necessary. I don't want to eat paraffin, only use in candles.

kitchens 9351483
Dec 07, 2012
I used a mixer to blend butter, peanut butter and confectioners sugar. It was tooo creamy? I had a hard time making balls and even after freezing the pbutter was too soft. Was it the mixer?

Nov 11, 2012
These are so good...i can hardly stand to give them away....and when i don't have time to dip (although they won't look like a real buckeye) i just melt the chocolate and paraffin and pour in a stream over the yummy things....they tast the same........oh they are sooo good.

EdwardStarick 7694 433
Nov 11, 2012
This is a wonderful recipe, makes beautiful gifts and someone always wants the recipes. We make them every year at holiday time. They also freeze beautifully, too!
Nov 10, 2012
This is so funny: Both my husband and I did most of our growing up in Ohio -- "The Buckeye State!" -- yet neither of us has ever seen or heard of Buckeye Cookies (Candies?). For anyone not familiar with what a real buckeye is, according to OneLook Dictionary online it's "the inedible nutlike seed of the horse chestnut." You find them all over the ground every Autumn in Ohio. And yes, the cookie (candy?) pictured above looks exactly like one :)

Nov 11, 2012
thats a shame, spikeygirl, these Ohio candies have been around since the beginning of OSU....you should make some, I make 2 batches every Christmas, hand them out in colorful tins I pick up at the thrift store (for mere pennies, I may add)_, and they are a grand hit with all ! try some! from: a fellow Ohioan. :-)

ahartb0232 2471239
Oct 24, 2012
I have been making these for several years and they are delightful I love to give as gifts to friends and family. Also you can make mini peanut butter cups with small cup cake tins.

donjuan 0753109
Oct 24, 2012
i have made these for MANY years, me recipe adds Rice Krisipies , make a nice crunck. Either way they are so scrumptious!!!!

stacydyan 1433644
Oct 24, 2012
My sister and i make these every year at christmas and we have found if you slightly melt your butter then add the peanut butter and sugar you'll get a very smooth and creamy mix. And be sure to mix with your hands. Very messy but you'll know when you have the right consistency because your hands will become virtually clean.

loveumom 1950251
Dec 10, 2011
can chocolate bark be used in place of chips and paraffin wax?

missmary5 4282446
Dec 14, 2011
I use 4 squares of chocolate bark rather than the paraffin wax with one bag of chocolate chips for dipping the peanut butter balls. This set up just fine. They don't have the shiny, glossy look you get with the wax but personally, I think they taste better.

May 15, 2011
mariwhits yes you can microwave the chocolate and paraffin wax, just be sure to do it in short intervals (10-20 sec) and stir between each time. It won't look melted but it will. br TimTay paraffin wax is used to temper the chocolate. that way you don't get the white hazy marks on it and your chocolate is firm at room temperature. You should be able to find it in the baking section where you find the chocolate chips at in your supermarket. ( i have also used a small portion (about 14 cup) of canola oil instead of the paraffin when I haven't had it. it works but its easier melting the paraffin in it)

May 15, 2011
What is Paraffin wax? I have never heard of it used in cooking before. I know they use it in physical therapy. What does it add to the Buckeyes? Can I leave it out?

billvillee 8249330
May 14, 2011
StickySpoon: The buckeye cookie is made in the likeness of the buckeye tree's nut. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aesculus_glabra for a picture of same.

seventyschick 6115 791
May 09, 2011
I used my pastry cutter last christmas when I made buckeyes and it made combining the peanut butter and butter with the powdered sugar easier and the mixture ended up being smoother.

May 09, 2011
StickySpoon: in answer to your question, there is nothing to fill in the top. you shape the peanut butter mixture in to a circular ball, when you dip it into the chocolate you only go 3/4 of the way up, so that the top of the ball sticks out and makes it look like a buckey. the only filling you do is to smoosh the peanut butter over the hole you make when you use the toothpick to hold the ball to dip it. I hope this answers your question. I have made these for years, with this same recipe. they are very easy to make & they turn out wonderful!

Apr 30, 2011
This Buckeye recipe sounds pretty vague, what do you fill-in the top 1/4 with as it does not tell you to rweserve any of the peanut butter mixture which you created the buckeye ball with. Is it topped off with regular out of the jar peanut butter or what?

Nov 10, 2012
Do you know what a buckeye looks like? google it or look at the picture provided.

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