Remembering Mr. Food
We honored Mr. Food with a week of shows that honored his legacy, his favorite recipes and all the "OOH IT'S SO GOOD!" that be brought into our lives. In case you missed any of the shows, check them out here!
Art’s commitment to anyone-can-do recipes and passion for helping others made him well-loved among his peers and among television viewers and website visitors. He was one of the first television celebrity chefs and paved a road for many who came after him.
Your Recently Viewed Recipes

Feb 19, 2017
too many recipes to even think right now... lets see. The oven beef burgundy...beef bourguignon, the diabetic chicken cordon bleu in the muffin tins, the steak tips in the diabetic book, the mexican chicken and rice (instant rice). Those are just a few. Mr Food has helped me feed my family for years!

Feb 17, 2017
I never was much on watching the News, but when I did I remember seeing Mr. Food and being impressed with his recipes. I was excited to discover his website "Mr. Food's Test Kitchen", I receive emails and enjoy all the recipes that are on the site. Now I enjoy watching the Recipes of the Day videos.

Cowboy Chef Jeff
Jan 19, 2017
I remember watching Mr Food in the Boston Area on NewsCenter at Noon After Art passed NewsCenter stopped carrying the Mr Food segment in their Noon newscast I don't know why and I would love to see it return to NewsCenter since I still watch that newscast I did not know Art had passed because of the discontinuation of the segment right after his passing with no explanation I distinctly remember his OOH IT'S SO GOOD line at the end of each segment I sorely missed the segments and didn't even know it still existed until about months ago when I ran into it on the internet simply by accident and remembered the name and tagline I immediately went to the website and signed up I look forward to your daily e-mails and have nearly of your recipes in my recipe box I make one almost every day I miss Art…Read More I hope Howard can get back to my Noon newscast to keep Art's legacy alive in the Boston Area for years to come

Test Kitchen Team
Jan 20, 2017
Hi there, Chef Jeff! Thank you for the kind words. While we are no longer aired in the Boston area, you can sign up for our daily eNewsletters or visit to see our Recipes of the Day videos. :) Enjoy!

pythonmike357 7938 318
Sep 08, 2015
I started watching Mr, Food while staying with my Mom in Oregon. It was a Portland station that she loved and his show was her favorite. I began to see why and we both miss him a lot because he was ,"OOH, So Good"!

attackoftheclownz 8535551
May 21, 2015
You can never go wrong by keeping this dear man's memory alive. I'd love to see some of his classic segments archived here. I've recently been diagnosed with diabetes, and this site is going to be invaluble to me me in the future. Thanks to you, and to Art, for making a difference.

Test Kitchen Team
May 22, 2015
Thank you for your kind message! We will be adding some of Art's classic videos to site soon, so be on the lookout for them. :) We also have a diabetic-friendly website that you would love: Thanks again and we hope you have a wonderful day.

az2phoenix 3010645
May 11, 2015
I watched Mr. Food for many years with my mother on WDTN in Dayton, Ohio. We have collected all of his cookbooks and use them religiously. I miss him dearly!!

mattdunkle 5975782
Dec 23, 2014
I loved watching his shows. He was such a great cook and very helpful. He made cooking fun. We will miss him, but honor his memory in our holiday and special day cooking. I love the old shows and thank you for keeping them on here for us to view. Blessings, CJ Matt D

Feb 26, 2014
I just plain miss him! What great man. He came to so many of the telethons to raise money for children's hospital in Buffalo, NY. Will we ever really stop missing him?

suefromil 7914476
Nov 21, 2013
I remember watching Mr. Food on our local station and how I looked forward to whatever recipe he would give that day and what a comforting feeling it was to see him and his enthusiasm--God give him joy in heaven as he gave joy to so many

nightphyre 3203762
Nov 05, 2013
We moved to Wyoming in 1997, and my oldest daughter (12 at the time) was distraught at the loss of Mr. Food on TV! I didn't find the website until many years later and have now moved back to a location where it is aired. Ok with the "crew" but no one can replace Mr. Food....oooh he was so good! (sorry! Just had to!)

Jan 26, 2013
I was introduced to Mr. Food 2 years ago when my husband got sick and my friend brought over some chicken noodle soup for him. It was delicious and asked where she got the recipe, she said Mr. Food. I went on the web site and now have nearly 400 recipes. My friend passed away the day after Thanksgiving 2012. Every time I go into my recipe box I think of her and the fun we had. I miss her and Mr. Food, but the recipes bring back wonderful memories. The website is great, keep up the good work.

todhan2002 9992126
Jan 21, 2013

todhan2002 9992126
Jan 21, 2013
i cant tell you have many recipes i have in my book from mr food. i feel so bad he is gone but never forgotten... please keep his food site going.. he will always be the best in my book. i got an apple crisp recipe from him that took me back to being a kid in the school cafeteria. the best!! and so many many others. i will miss him terribly. what a great human being. GOD BLESS

lakotamaiden 35554 59
Jan 18, 2013
I have always love watching the videos and the great recipes that he shared with us . Hope that we can continue with the great site

gcbarn 3199982
Jan 18, 2013
Mr.Foods has been my favorite chef for years, one of the recipes my family loved the most is called the canolli pie. It's been a big favorite for years. And a hit at many gatherings. I know that Mr. Foods is looking down upon us. And probbaly cooking up a storm in heaven. God be with everyone who has enjoyed his recipes.

mtngirljgw 5413921
Jan 18, 2013
I first found Mr Food when I was a teenager and saw him on the Noon today to feed my famNews. I started using his recipes then when I learned to cook and still use them ily of four. He is my go to for how to cook anything. He used real ingredients and easy to follow recipes that always please. I will miss him and always think of him when I cook. RIP Mr Food. You will be missed.

mawashkowiak 49029 36
Jan 09, 2013
I'm sorry to hear this. I always enjoyed him on TV and his recipes are the best. It's nice to have the web site to remember him.

vabeachlady 903186 4
Jan 01, 2013
I have surely have missed him through the holidays...due to the death of my brother the day before...I wasn't aware that he had finished his battle. I am going to really miss him and enjoy that this website is still up and running. thank you!

lisaboydza 4284806
Dec 30, 2012
Mr. Food's recipes are the ones I access most. The down-to-earth ingredients and easy cooking have kept me in tasty dishes for years. R.I.P. Art - may you be whipping up new dishes in the best-equipped kitchen in heaven!

Anndriver72 657292 8
Dec 11, 2012
Loved Mr. Food! I have a few of his cookbooks and the recipes are "Ohhhhh, so good!!!!!

natsnana2001 21735 16
Dec 10, 2012
Back in the 1990's my Mother use to watch Mr. Food at noon and many times she'd call me and invite me to dinner. When I got engaged she and my fiance' would talk about Mr. Food's daily show. Since she passed away my husband has been discovering some of the MAGIC recipes she had from Mr. Food. Well, my Mother & Dad must be very happy in Heaven now that Mr. Food is up there too. RIP Mr. Food.

Dec 09, 2012
I watched Art on Channel 12 out of Cape Girardeau, MO when my oldest daughter was born, I requested a mashed potato recipe and at that time (1985) it came by mail. I still have that recipe today and have used it countless times. I have been following the website for some time now and I enjoy it. God Bless and keep you, Art.

cleo6242 9668729
Dec 02, 2012
oldgoat611 3887692
Dec 02, 2012
Through the time that I have been working with his recipes there have been many that I have enjoyed. May there be many more Les

dmittal505 9986160
Dec 01, 2012
Mr Food was always upbeat and was a pleasure to everyone. He will be missed.

apple pie
Dec 01, 2012
I began watching Mr. Food on Channel 7 in Boston after I had my daughter and I was not working days anymore. I have tried many recipes and enjoyed watching him. I was saddened to hear of his passing, he made food fun and he will be condolences to his family.

Dec 01, 2012
I just started watching Mr. Food this summer on my Shreveport station. I hadn't cooked in years (thanks to my DH) and after retiring, I started again using Mr. Food recipes. Easy, tasty & just what we needed! I also found out recently that I'm diabetic & eagerly downloaded the e-recipes for diabetics. I'm so sad to see him go. He helped me restore my confidence in the kitchen while following the diabetic suggestions. My condolences to the family & his many friends.

rivvy57 4497973
Dec 01, 2012
My husband started watching Mr. Food when he was down with a back injury. I have used many of them. My husband has also used many of his ideas for bbqing meat. We will miss him. Please keep the recipes coming. We will miss watching him. He was a great person.

janettemcdonald 43 49184
Dec 01, 2012
Please keep this site alive....he was a joy and brought so much pleasure to those of us who watched and took to heart his program. We all felt his love of LIFE...thank you!

vickymartin5 39892 25
Dec 01, 2012
It saddens me to hear of the passing of Mr. Food. I thoroughly enjoyed trying many of his recipes and I do have my favorites that I use a lot. He will truly be missed. My prayers and blessings go to Arts family.
nancy63901 9762026
Dec 01, 2012
I was shocked to hear the news. I have retired in March of this year, and really enjoyed watching Mr. Food on his program, KFVS TV in Cape Girardeau, Mo. I have tried several of his recipes and loved each one. They were 'So Good'! I am truly going to miss him.

msgoulet 7686472
Dec 01, 2012
I'm am truly sorry to hear that Art will no longer be with us. Sincere sympathy goes out to all his family and friends. I have spent years making one of my favorite appetizers which everyone loves. This has been a yearly event for me. If you love stuffed mushrooms, his Pistaschio Stuffed Mushrooms are the best, you must try them R.I.P. you will be truly missed
hngsib 7611559
Nov 30, 2012
Every day I made sure that I would watch Mr. Food and I have quite afew of his recipes. He will really be missed in my house hold. May God be with his family now and always.

bbarron723 4742423
Nov 30, 2012
after the news was the cheerful and good news of Mr. Food ! I will miss him ! God Bless !

dhover20 7508800
Nov 30, 2012
I was shocked to read that Mr. Food has passed. I've used many of his recipes he has shared with us all, and got the giggles whenever he said, "ooh, it's so good!" on his television show. He will be missed.

kathy nahm
Nov 30, 2012
enjoyed watching mr food and seeing new ways he prepared food thinking of his family and friends sorry for your loss he will be sadly missed

bigfry36 4773937
Nov 30, 2012
The video is beautiful, I would like to see more on his whole life and career as Mr. Food. Thanks and please do carry on his great work with food.

ab2010oreilly 4629 704
Nov 30, 2012
I will certainly miss my noon recipes from Mr. Food. I think that my favorite was Microwave Pickles. I made them often and had lots of comments and was asked for the recipe. I always gave Mr. Food the credit. How simple to make sweet pickles in about 10 minutes. I want to wish all his family and his many friends sympathy and love. May he rest in peace and be our chef in heaven.
Crafter 3170031
Nov 30, 2012
MY heart wes very sadden to hear he had passed. My heart goes out to his family. he will be missed.When i needed something new to cook i came to his website always found just the right thing easy and good thank you for your many years

janiellemarcus 643 8672
Nov 29, 2012
I loved to watch Mr. Food's cooking segments on the local news in Chicago, IL, where I'm from. He was so entertaining, and original. I was saddened to hear of Mr. Food's passing last week. Mr. Food will truly be missed.

retiredjackie 9134 733
Nov 29, 2012
I was so sorry to hear about Mr. Food's passing. We always watch to 5:00 pm news just to get his recipies. I have 3 notebooks full and use them always. Please keep up the good works following Mr. Food's example. My condolences to the family. He will be greatly missed.

Nov 29, 2012
i watched his shows every day growning up and up till he passed my heart goes out to his family

larryw591 4759248
Nov 29, 2012
He made cooking good food fun without a lot of complicated processes He was one of a kind

Nov 29, 2012
Just learned today of Mr. Food's passing. He will be missed. So enjoy his recipes - he was quite a character!! Please keep up this website -- I have so many of my favorites saved here!!

sharpieboy 7224303
Nov 29, 2012
"I tried to watch Mr. Food every day on my local NBC OKC affiliate. I was shocked when I learned how sick he was. He is the second man to so inspire me. My father worked right up to the end with pancreatic cancer, and whenever I start feeling sorry for myself, I think of him; now, I have a second inspiration. His receipes have bailed me out in a pinch SO many times. I am a guy, and also love to cook, and experiment. I will remember his "Ohhh- So GOOD!" forever.

Brit Chic
Nov 29, 2012
I was so sorry to hear Mr Food died. I was actually making his Chocolate Cream Pie for Thanksgiving when I heard the news on the television. His recipes were always very easy and a favourite with all my family, as was the Pie we all ate on Thanksgiving...Thank you Mr. Food. You will be missed!

Nov 29, 2012
Watching Mr. Food was a pleasure-his upbeat attitude was so wonderful. God Bless Mr. Food and his family. We will miss him.

Tony S
Nov 29, 2012
My name is Tony Santabarbara I live in Schenectady NY I remember Mr Food I am years old I remember When Mr Food Art was WRGB news channel when I was young In my culinary arts class at the Mount Pleasant High school the teacher used to make us watch Mr food to fall in love with the art of being a chef and being able to make a career of being a chef We used to the whole class at once repeat ooohhhh its ssooo gggoood when a project was complete After watching Mr Food I was inspired to pursue my career and attend Schenectady County comm college and the Culinary Arts at Johnson and Wales in RI and become a chef and after I started my of Restaurant I can say that he Art Ginsburg give the push to be successfull and make a living Thank you My FRIEND…Read More my the Lord GOD bless in his arms Because HEAVEN with you will be SSSSSSOOOOO GGOOODDDD Your faithfull Fan Tony

Nov 29, 2012
I want to thank Mr. Food for helping me to educate my children and providing us with AWESOME family time together. My youngest son learn to read cooking with Mr. Food and receiving his recipes through his e-mail. You are gone, but you will NEVER be forgotten.

theaprilyarber 325 3936
Nov 29, 2012
I used to watch Mr. Food everyday before i went off to school. It was one of the last segments i saw before i left. It's sad that he passed away.

Nov 29, 2012
I have been watching Mr. Food off/on for more than 30 years. I have seen him change through the years and gotten to know his humor and love of food that I feel like I've lost a part of my family. I will miss seeing him and hope that the recipes will continue as he may be gone, but will never be forgotten!

pennysb 6025045
Nov 29, 2012
Mr. Food was a awesome chef. He always had good recipes worth making. He will be missed. RIP.

pepsi4linda 703513 2
Nov 29, 2012
I loved his recipes and his humor!! He will be missed!! Hope his site will remain........his memories will live on!!!!

pak1962 5061406
Nov 28, 2012
Used to watch him in the morning while getting ready for work. My thoughts and prayers are with his family and co-workers.

judddoe1 8656341
Nov 28, 2012

Nov 28, 2012
I am so sad we lost our Mr. Food. I cried bout all day the day I saw on tv that he had passed. I felt like I'd lost someone very close to me. I am a recipe addict and I have spent many hours searching through Mr. Food recipes. I will miss seeing him on tv. My prayers and condolences go out to his wife and family and his staff and co-workers.

carolscuts 6340908
Nov 28, 2012
I so looked forward to Art on TV and to a new recipe to try. His recipes were simple and easy, but good food. I always was asked for the dessert recipes from Mr Food. They were tasty. We will miss him so much, my heart and prayers go to the family for comfort. I only hope his program will go on. Love you Mr Food!!

Nov 28, 2012
I just found out that Mr. Food has passed. I looked forward to watching him and waited for him to come on TV. We have been remodeling our home. We had to remove the TVs because of the dust from the drywall and sawing. I'm so terribly sad to hear about Mr. Food. He was such a joy! Please keep his spot open. I know that you can't replace him but maybe you could find a new face to fill spot with love. Love to all who loved this special man! He was so good!!!!

kdnspoon 6161139
Nov 28, 2012
We had Mr. Food's "Skillet Meatloaf" just last night - one of many family favorites from a man who touched so many lives. Our sympathies to his family and co-workers - he will be sorely missed by all.

Nov 28, 2012
I am so sad to hear about Art Ginsburg. My love and prayers to Mrs Ginsburg, all his family and friends. I loved his recipes and listening to his "oooh, it's soo good" It makes me smile to even hear the phrase. I use his recipes often and I love the web site and his e-newsletters. Rest in peace and know you have taught so many the good things in life.

RJFSMF 4488131
Nov 28, 2012

llindy83 0131866
Nov 28, 2012
I am deeply sad about this news. He was always so upbeat and his recipes were amazingly GOOD!! Rest in Peace Art Ginsburg. You will Always remain the Best Chef to ME! OOhhh It's so GOOOOD! My thoughts and prayers go out to his family and friends.

galew0 9550663
Nov 28, 2012
I too will miss hearing his recipes and seeing him always so upbeat! What a nice man! Thanks to his family for sharing him with us! Prayers for all! I too will miss his recipes and his always happy face and his voice saying OOOH its Sooo Good! <3

Firechef 1
Nov 28, 2012
My heart goes out to Mrs. Ginsburg, Family and Friends. He touched so many with all his recipes. May Mr. Food rest in peace and God Bless.

devans 1554263
Nov 27, 2012
I have watched you for over 30 years.. learned HOW to cook watching you. I used to mail to the TV station for your recipes, becuse there was no internet then. Thank you and God's speed for your eternal.."OOH IT'S SOO GOOD" . I'LL MISS YOU..
cisely 8303486
Nov 27, 2012
I was so sad to hear the one and only Mr. Food had passed away. I loved watching his program every day. He gave such wonderful dishes that I just had to try. Every time I made a new dish of Mr. Food's I told my husband, " Compliments of Mr. Food," He will be missed. Thank you for everything, Prayers to the family.

leachsrl 6023371
Nov 27, 2012
Art Ginsburg made a difference in many people lives by making good food easy. It sounds so simple but is so important to the enjoyment of our daily lives to enjoy our meals together. Many years ago I did a lot of complicated cooking but for the last 20 years I just did plain unimaginative meals. Mr. Food go me back to the enjoyment of cooking and sharing. I would like to say a heartfelt - Thank You - My condolences to the family.

casondras1 3346244
Nov 27, 2012
Casondras1 I was very sorry to hear Mr. Food had passed. Never knew him but he seemed very, very friendly and always welcoming. I'm going to miss very much hearing "OOH ITS SO GOOD".

whitewolftbp 34155 44
Nov 27, 2012
I was saddened when i learned Mr. food had passed. He brightened my day. And most of the time his show was the only none depressing thing on the news. Condolences to his family an friends.

Nov 27, 2012
"Death by Chocolate" is the perfect euphamism for this very special soul we all had a chance to learn and laugh by. I hope his family keeps the show going as we all have something to learn everyday about food.

Nov 27, 2012
I was deeply shocked when I heard about his passing! I LOVED Mr. Food!! I hope that they still keep his segment going with reruns otherwise I will feel lost. He has been part of my day for soooo long. Condolences to his family!

Nov 27, 2012
I was deeply shocked when I heard about his passing! I LOVED Mr. Food!! I hope that they still keep his segment going with reruns otherwise I will feel lost. He has been part of my day for soooo long. Condolences to his family!

Nov 27, 2012
Mr Food was a part of my day. I enjoyed watching him while having my lunch. I have collected many recipes from his shows and also from his cookbooks which I purchased. His recipes were not only easy, they were "so good". I will miss Art's smiling face. May he rest in peace and may his family find comfort in the fact that he brought joy to so many.

threccialouis 5900
Nov 27, 2012
we will truly miss mr food we watched him monday - friday he was apart of my husband an i getting the day started

faith 2001028
Nov 27, 2012
i think anyone who ever even just wacthed him news letter videos will miss him.i know i will teribly

Member 7483233
Nov 27, 2012
poor taste yo have a recipe called death by chocolate today so soon after the death of mr. food

Test Kitchen Team
Nov 27, 2012
Thank you for your comments, we appreciate your candor. However, this was one of Mr. Food's all-time favorite recipes. Art believed that if you were going to go for it, go big and this is a BIG dessert! Much thought was placed into selecting recipes to air this week to pay tribute to our friend, Art Ginsburg. So, thank you again and we hope you enjoy the recipes we selected for the remainder of the week.

Mays June Kid
Nov 27, 2012
This afternoon I tuned into my local Boston TV station expecting to watch the usual segment, only to discover the sad news of Art Ginsburg's passing. What a terrible loss to Mr. Food's many fans everywhere. And, what a wonderful legacy he left; to live life with a passion and share that passion so enthusiastically with others. Sincere condolences to his family. May his memory forever be a blessing to all those who knew him.

S48tal 8171427
Nov 27, 2012
Mr.Food; will miss you terribly! Although I've cooked and baked for may years, you were the altimate helper in my kitchen! Made things so much easier and quicker ........... my family always benefited as well as myself. I send my deepest sympathy to your "FAMILY and FRIENDS." You will always be in their hearts and memories. And I myself will think of you with much fondness. You certainly will be missed by 'the many'! And I pray that each day the heartache will lessen for your 'loved ones.' RIP With heavy heart and deep sympathy, "little ole' Ohio cook," Sherry 11/27/12

iaemt2007 5763431
Nov 27, 2012
Mr Food was part of the noon news on KTTC - it's just not the same without him saying "Ooh it's so good"! He will be sadly missed but always remembered.

Sandy J
Nov 27, 2012
I had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Food at a local bookstore in Pineville, La. back in the '90's. Such a delightful, good spirited man. I still have an autographed copy of one of his cookbooks and a picture of Mr. Food and me..with him giving me a kiss on the cheek! Your family is in my thoughts and prayers. Rest in Paradise, Mr. Food. You will be missed but never forgotten.

mareem12002 112731 9
Nov 27, 2012
R.I.P. Mr. Food! I'm gone miss from seeing you in the mornings before work.

jelkw1 7194094
Nov 27, 2012
I enjoyed watching him every morning before work he will be greatly missed
Nov 27, 2012
I tuned in everyday for the recipes. He will be missed. Condolences to his family!!! R.I.P Mr. Food!!!

grammakelly 826359 3
Nov 27, 2012
I have watched Mr. Food every work day while eating lunch. I was deeply saddened to hear of his passing. He and his recipes will always hold a special place in my heart and in my kitchen. I extend my deepest condolences to his family. He will be sadly missed by millions, myself included. Rest in peace, Mr. Food!

Nov 27, 2012
I used to watch Mr. Food on our Miami, Fl. station at the noon news hour. I loved his recipes and still have the copies of the recipes I requested (LONG before computer days). My family also met Art at a Chili cookoff in Ft. Lauderdale Florida in the late 1980's. He was every bit as genuine as he seemed on TV. He even greeted my baby daughter who was ordinarily terrified of strangers but he had such an infectious smile that even she warmed up to him right away...Art will be sorely missed!

Nov 27, 2012
Mr. Food always came ended our local noon time news.....i have watched him for years...i have used many of his recipes...they are usually simple and absolutely flavorful! I was deeply saddened when i heard the news. My thoughts and prayers are with his family. I hope they know he will be dearly missed by many many people! I hope the Mr. Food website stays on-line so many more people can enjoy all tht he had to offer.

Nov 27, 2012
I too looked forward every morning to Mr. Food. Yesterday I missed it and today I find out that he has passed away. I have his recipes stored in my computer, but I will truly miss my morning "ohh, it's so good". Our deepest sympathy to to his family. so sorry, will truly miss him.
kaysellers 1898236
Nov 27, 2012
everday I looked forward to see Mr. Foods then I got my computer and I could see him and his recipes everday. Miss you .

mabybaby100 865467 5
Nov 27, 2012
He will certainly be missed and I have mumerous recipes from him. He will be missed and I pray for God's peace for his family and friend. His gestures and movements was so good and I will miss u my friend.

Nov 27, 2012
He will always be a part of this Family through the recipes that are now a part of our family cooking. His spirit lives on! Please accept our Deepest Sympathy!

mabybaby100 865467 5
Nov 27, 2012
I pray God's peace for his family and friends, and may they keep their warm recollections foremost with appreciation in ever having him. He will continue to be in my prayers. I have collected numerous recipes over the years; and gestures and movements were so good. I will miss you my friend!! I pray God;s peace for his family, friends, and may they keep thier warm recoleections formeost iwth appreciation in ever having him. He will contiune to be in my thoughts and prayers. I have collected numerous recipes over the years. I love his gestures and movements and I will miss my friend.

sirldd180 5534964
Nov 27, 2012
Mr Food was the king of cooking.Sorry to see him go,but he will never be forgotten.

sirldd180 5534964
Nov 27, 2012
Mr Food was the King of cooking.sorry to see him go,but he will will be forgooten.

womenofwealth 3469 283
Nov 27, 2012
Sorry to hear of the passing of Mr. Ginsburg better known as Mr. Food, Sending Condolences to his entire family, Thanking Mr. Food for bringing the LOVE of food and so many creative recipes into my life and the life of others, You will be missed!

Nov 27, 2012
I am sorry to hear of Mr. Food, he will never be forgotten because of the love he had for food and his recipes will be around for ever because "OOH IT'S SO GOOD!!", I just joined this site in the last couple of months and it is one of my favorites.

rryder0421 3020438
Nov 27, 2012
My wife and I had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Food at a 'Taste of Mardi Gras' in Alexandria, La. He was so personable and approachable. We had a lovely conversation and felt as if we had made a new friend. We pray God's peace for his family and friends, and may they keep their warm memories foremost with thankfulness in ever having him.

latula2003 0958930
Nov 27, 2012
I learned how to cook watching Mr. Food. His enthusiastic personality got me hooked on cooking and watching his recipes each morning. My husband and son say "Oooh it's soo good" each time I try one of his quick recipes. I cried for him and his family when I heard about him. God bless you and thank you for sharing Mr. Food, Art, with us. I will truly miss him.
Member 6390751
Nov 27, 2012
I always watched MR. FOOD on my local news channel. I always loved trying his recipes. My favorite is his peanut butter fudge. I even asked my husband if he had seen him on the news, if I missed any part of it. When I heard that he had passed away, I was heart broken. My thoughts and prayers are with his family. One of my favorite personalities will truly be missed.

JSotirovic 7700628
Nov 26, 2012
Like so many others, I will miss Mr. Food so much!!! I have probably watched him for as long as he's been on TV.!!! I have enjoyed so many of his recipies, but even more enjoyed his humor and his kind heart ! He will continue to be in our prayers. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family and friends. Oh it's so good ! Art You will never be forgotten !!! ; }

Nov 26, 2012
For so many years I thought Mr. Food was a local chef from my area. Thats how he made you feel right through the TV. Mr. Food has been a large part of my adult life. He will sadly missed Countless recipes I have collected over the years and now they will be treasured. My deepest symapthy to his family

kastolpa 2357103
Nov 27, 2012
Art was the best. His mannerisms were sooo good! We will miss you my friend.

believer48723 3193 061
Nov 26, 2012
I wold not want to ever miss an episode ! Have been watching for years. Always tuned in at noon just to watch him !! WIll be very missed !!

brokenwing0906 647 0377
Nov 26, 2012
i alway remember him being on while we were getting ready to eat dinner my mom would write down a few of his recipes and some were actually awesome and others i didnt like but i tried.. will miss his ooooh its so good rest in peace mr food you will be missed condolences to your family

obilizzy 6470217
Nov 26, 2012
I will never forget when I ment mr.foods at the Canfild fair and I siad let me chack the hand of the person who siad o it's so good but in sid he gave me a kiss on the check

gingeredwards42 65 20411
Nov 26, 2012
So sorry for the loss of this nice man my praters and thoughts are with his family and friends . I loved his fajita chicken pie it had become a favorite of all my family and friends...thanks for helping me when i needed it something new. You will be greatly missed.

Nov 26, 2012
So, sorry to hear about the loss of Mr. Food. He will be missed. Hope his recipes live on this Mr foods Page. We all loved his recipes.

pc1977 2818974
Nov 26, 2012
I have watched Mr Food on TV for a very long time, and He will be truly missed. I remember him visiting our local fair each summer, and how much fun he always had. WKBN in Youngstown, Ohio Noon News will never be the same. My condolences to all his family.

pennylover1994 850 9707
Nov 26, 2012
I remember watching Mr. Food on tv with my Grandma. When I god older, I rememberd him and have ordered several cookbooks and I love his anyone can do it recipes. Mr. Food will be missed.

glowbug1941 467828 5
Nov 26, 2012
I will miss Mr. Food. I loved his simple downhome cooking, that was easy for anyone to make. He seemed like such a sweet guy.

ThelmaChrls 763078 8
Nov 26, 2012
Geez I will Miss "Mr. Food", never met him personally, but he appeared 2 have such a great personality that was "prize winning" just like his food and recipes. R.I.P. would luv 2 have met him. :(

danhart61 3983940
Nov 26, 2012
I am home a lot more now days , I would watch channel 30 in Fresno every day at 11:00. He will be missed he had such a positive attitude, Made my day.

madamray 3273584
Nov 26, 2012
I remember the first broadcast that Mr. Food made and have enjoyed the life and times he shared with us. Art will be greatly missed in our household. I send my deepest sympathy to his family and friends and I know he is cooking with his God and will be looking in on us and saying, Oooh it's so good!

Nov 26, 2012
I am saddened to hear of Mr. Foods passing. He will be" ooooh" so missed but I will continue enjoying his" oooh its so good" recipe's. My prayers are with the family.

Nov 26, 2012
I always looked forward to watching Mr.Food during my lunch time. I will miss that as he made my day.

mweyandt1 5909550
Nov 26, 2012
So sorry to hear of the passing of the beloved "Mr. Food". I will surely miss him as I would a dear friend. My prayers go with his family. God bless.

audrey13 3615129
Nov 26, 2012
Loved his simple and wonderful recipes....I will miss him in this daily segment with the noon news

wbuttry 1509906
Nov 26, 2012
my deepest sympathy for the family he was as big of a cooking icon as justin wilson is i only started to getting to know him in 1992 during high school and after high school with his shows it inspired me to go to cooking school i could not afford college so i went to job corp and learned to cook now i work in a tottaly different line of work but cooking is still a passion of mine wont work in a resteraunt ever that takes away the joy in cooking i do it as a way to get away thank you MR FOOD for your awesome recipes and keep his memory alive test kitchen and god bless you all

Nov 26, 2012
My condolences to the family and friends of Mr. Food. I remember many times watching and thinking that looks delicious, I have to try that. Thank you and goodbye, Mr. Food. You are missed.

Nov 26, 2012
"Mr. Food" made me (even me) feel like I could actually cook what he was showing on any given day! And made it all seem so easy! No one will quite say the quote as he did and I WILL miss that!!! :( My thoughts are with his family!

schnarrs4u3 999147 4
Nov 26, 2012
My heart goes to the Family and Friends of Mr. Food. I grew up to the OOOOO its sooooo good! I will miss you Mr. Food. You always made making food so easy and fun...Thank you for your recipes and the kind ,loving and embracing face that graced our television at lunch time everyday. Thank you Ethel for sharing your husband with us, the public via television all these years. God Bless you and your family...

Nov 26, 2012
Auuuugh!! Geeze whiz. For me, "Mr. Food" was the HIGHLIGHT of watching the news! I share with his families in the loss of this loveable man. "Mr. Food" (Art) will long be remembered each time I use his recipes.
Member 3203689
Nov 26, 2012
I am so sorry to Mr Food and his family. I really enjoyed watching this gentleman and wrote down several of his Recipes, my wife and myself will miss this man very much. God Bless this wonderful man and also his family.

Crafter 19335
Nov 26, 2012
i think he will be greatly missed. so much a part of our mid day here in michigan at our abc.wjrt channel. it was always such a nice time at lunch time.. he sure will be missed.. prayers for his family. thank you mr food for all the great recipes..

Brandi F
Nov 26, 2012
Oh wow i am sorry for the Mr.Food family i enjoyed watching him on the noon news and getting great recipes from him he will be missed dearly by everyone he has touched in person and through tv. Mr. Food please tell my momma i said hello. Now all the Angels will get his Ohh its sOOO good cooking in heaven. God Bless the family of Mr. Food. we all loved you.
Nov 26, 2012
I will miss him on my noon news channel. I have used so many of his recipes over the years. Easter breakfast was a hit with the French Toast Rollups, everyone wanted the recipe. I will continue to use his site as long as it is here. God Bless Mr. Food, I have a few relatives up there that will love cooking.

babloom 3571407
Nov 26, 2012
I miss you already! You taught me so much about cooking for many many years... YOU were SO GOOD! You will live on in my heart forever...

cfeider 9487620
Nov 26, 2012
Mr. Food always seemed like he was having so much fun. That made it fun to watch. He will be missed a lot.

hiku1101 9965658
Nov 26, 2012
Mr. Food will be missed. I was so saddened to learn of his loss. He was funny and real! I love the simplicity of his of my favorites is his "Fancy Fast Chicken." Prayers go out to his family.

coolbreeze0731 798 1689
Nov 26, 2012
R.I.P Mr. Food. We loved the recipes. It was Ooooh Sooo Good....."God be with your family and friends."

eatmoreveggie 1263 283
Nov 26, 2012
I already miss him. I was saddened to hear of his passing.

Nov 26, 2012
I was saddened to hear of "Mr Foods" death. I loved him and his work. Through his death I am learning more about the man and his legacy apart from the food world. He will be sorely missed not just by his family, but his fans which I am one and will always will be. Goodbye Art and you are "Ooooh Soooo GOOD!"

Nov 26, 2012
"Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss and ends with a teardrop" I do love his recipes, they are down to earth. No fancy ingredients, just simply everyday ingredients and easy directions. I will surely miss Mr. Food and his smile and his "OOH IT'S SO GOOD"

Skip Shaw
Nov 26, 2012
The NFRA membership is saddened to hear of the passing of our good friend Art Ginsgurg. Mr. Food has been the spokesman for the National Frozen & Refrigerated Foods Association helping to spread the word about the benefits of frozen and refrigerated dairy in our daily lives. We have enjoyed his enthusiasum for the food industry and our partnership with Mr. Food and his wonderful staff. Most of all we will miss our friendship developed over the past few years. Our thoughts and prayers are with the Ginsburg Family and the Mr. Food staff during this difficult time

newyork716 Steve
Nov 26, 2012
Mr. Food was one of the most genuine, most caring and most loving people I have ever known and had the pleasure to work with. He did so much for our annual Variety Kids Telethon. He would always make sure that he was here to help the kids! For 19 years he came "home" to Buffalo and WKBW-TV to co-host the annual Telethon. Even when the Telethon was not on the air, he would call all throughout the year to see how plans were going, offer ideas and anything he could do to help. We would chat about everything and anything and he was always there to listen and help. I am going to miss him tremendously...he truly was....SO GOOD!! Rest In Peace my friend....I love you and will miss you. Steve Podosek, Variety Kids Telethon Executive Producer

tfd1969 0071859
Nov 26, 2012
I have watched Mr. Food for many years and will miss his show. I have learned so much from him and his cooking. RIP Mr. Food. Thank you for all the help of my cooking and be better in the kitchen. I will charish everything. My thoughts and prayers go out to your family.
066dearie11 514432 9
Nov 26, 2012
Mr. Ginsburg was a down to earth person, who shared his passion of cooking with the world. Heaven collected a rose the day he passed tp go with with the heavenly bouquet.

arklatex1 9910456
Nov 26, 2012
We are deeply saddened to learn of Mr. Ginsburg's passing. We will always cherish him as "Mr. Food" & are thankful for his work - his gift to us.

fanofdmb82 5479252
Nov 26, 2012
we're going to miss u you gave us good food to the table and joy in our hearts.

katwilliams86 3293 806
Nov 25, 2012
I hate to hear about Mr Food s passing R I P all of your recipes are Oh it so good. You will be missed

lochart 3053838
Nov 25, 2012

brewer girl
Nov 25, 2012
Feels like losing a beloved family member! Condolences to his family!

pmdjohnson 2108517
Nov 25, 2012
So saddened to hear of this lovely man's passing. He will always be in my heart.

jinglepig78 684955 5
Nov 25, 2012
REST IN PEACE, Mr. Food! I discovered the site only about 3 years ago, and already I miss you. I'll miss the oh it's sooooo gooooood!

Nov 25, 2012
RIP mr food!! i watched you all the time when you were on the cookbooks you sold there too!! you will be greatly missed cause you were ohhhhhh soooo good!!!

Nov 25, 2012 will be greatly missed. You will live on forever in the hearts and kitchens of all who loved you! My thoughts and prayers go out to your loved ones during this difficult time. God Bless!

Nov 25, 2012
RIP, Mr. Food. I had the pleasure of knowing Mr. Ginsburg and his wife as they were regulars at my theater. I am hard-pressed to remember any guest who was kinder, gentler, funnier or more gracious. He truly knew that life is "sooooo good!" The world was a better (and tastier) place because of his presence.

Nov 25, 2012
I always looked forward Mr Food's segment on the noon news. He was always so upbeat, chipper, and *always* made everything he made look easy to prepare. Au revoir, Mr. Food, and may you find eternal happiness in heaven's kitchen. <><

Nov 25, 2012
I got interested in cooking again after watching him on TV. I learned that cooking did not have to be a chore. He will be greatly missed.

barbararokoszak 29 72450
Nov 25, 2012
I only began to receive Mr. Food recipes on-line almost a year ago, but deeply appreciated the variety and tasty & simple dishes presented. Thank you with deep regrets over the passing of Mr. Ginsberg.

barbararokoszak 29 72450
Nov 25, 2012
I only began to receive Mr. Food recipes on-line almost a year ago, but deeply appreciated the variety and tasty & simple dishes presented. Thank you with deep regrets over the passing of Mr. Ginsberg.

wilson43941 966017 3
Nov 24, 2012

Nov 24, 2012
To your family Thank You for sharing this wonderful person with all of us. The legacy of all the wonderful Recipes and the trademark Oh, it's so Good!

Nov 24, 2012
I never met Mr. Ginsburg, but he influenced my cooking habits! I will miss his personality on TV & the books he wrote......

rleard105725 03374 79
Nov 24, 2012
To Ethel and family our God has the best chef ever now!! Our deepest sympathy to you and your family!! We loved his food segments and his personality. I know he was welcomed into one of the many rooms in haven. Ron & Donna

erwinandpaula 8178 354
Nov 24, 2012
I will miss him dearly. He was a great chef, who taught me how to cook. My prays and thoughts are with his family. Gods speed...they need you in haven! Paula-Jean
broaro 2983023
Nov 24, 2012
my husband and I watched every day to see what new recipe he would have to try out in our kitchen. It was a shock to hear of his passing. our deepest sympathy to his family.

Nov 24, 2012
Everything that begins comes to an end but in this world of garbage television he was a very welcome delight to watch! God bless his soul and those he left behind.

smkellyusa 8087371
Nov 24, 2012
Art Ginsburg will be greatly missed by the "weekend warrior" chefs. His recipes were simple to use and the end result was always very good with a wide variety to choose from. My sincere condolences to his family.

tmarcenzo 0050796
Nov 24, 2012
I will surely miss Mr. Food and his happy and bright out-look on life. My family really liked the dishes I cooked up for them. My husband always rated them from one to ten, with ten, 99% of the time. May the Lord bless you Ethel, and the family with ,strengh and HIS love at this time. In Christ's love, the Marcenzo family.

Nov 24, 2012
Though I don't cook as often as I use to I will still miss his daily recipes. I hope someone can continue to provide the level of "oh, it's SO good"! that he did! Prayers to all his family . He will be missed by everyone!

mbrown566 2361001
Nov 24, 2012
May God bless the family of Mr. Food. I loved the enthusiasm and recipes. He will truly be missed from WCTV.

luroxide 3716185
Nov 24, 2012
My heart and prayers go out to Art Ginsburgs family. I have enjoy his recipes and he will be missed greatly. I remember buying his magazines along time ago and thats how I got interest in his Mr Food Recipes. He was very Helpful.

Nov 24, 2012
My heart and prayers go out to Art Ginsburgs family. He was and always will be the every person cook. He made me enjoy cooking again. He will be missed greatly. Again my prayers go out to his wife and family.

Nov 24, 2012
Deepest sympathy to Mr Ginsburg's family. I enjoy getting my daily Emails with recipes. Atrue gentleman will be missed

Nov 23, 2012
Prayers to his family. I have many of his cookbooks and watch his food segment during the noon news. One time, I wrote Mr. Food for a recipe, his computer was down and he hand wrote the recipe and sent it to me. I still have it. Thanks Mr. Food. Barbarainnc

Nov 23, 2012
My prayers go out to the family of Art Ginsburg. We know him of course as "Mr. Food" but although my family and had never met the man he was like family to us. Growing up in Western NY I recall being home from school as a small girl waiting for his spot on our local news, waiting to see what he was going to come up with next, later I had received his cook books as gifts from my family and friends, to today now with technology receiving his daily news letter and anticipating each new recipe. But our lives were blessed with the way delivered his message with a kind smile, we will miss him.

gareb 4687606
Nov 23, 2012
I loved watching his segment on our local tv station. He was an inspiration and sparked my interest in cooking. My prayers go out to the family.

Nov 23, 2012
I am shocked to learn about Mr. Food's passing. I check the site every day and have watched him over the years and started wth his cookbooks. He will be sorely missed. My deepest sympathy to his family.

msbat55 4486668
Nov 23, 2012
Was so saddened to hear the Mr. Food passed away. I always enjoyed watching his cooking segments and learned so much from them over the years. He was a true treasure. My heart goes out to his family.

matahari 1171294
Nov 23, 2012
I started watching Mr. Food when he began broadcasting on WRGB-TV in Schenectady, NY. I taped his show everyday until Wednesday when all 5 of our tv stations announced the sad news of his passing on to the Heavenly kitchen. He will be missed by thousand of people, just in this area! He was a true treasure for all and I hope his family realizes how much people thought of him. He started as a caterer, but became the Chef of Choice for many of us. He was real, not phony. Go in peace, dear friend; enjoy your rest.

armymom882 8048343
Nov 23, 2012
I just loved watching his food viedo,and his voice was so soothing. He reminded me of my dad in some ways.He will be greatly missed,and i'll miss watching his food viedo's.I hope you don't cancel Mr. Please keep it alive,and still send me e-mails.I look forward every day to get them,and love the recipes,and viedo's.armymom882

Nov 23, 2012
I grew up watching Mr. Food. When I heard of his passing my heart was broken because I felt like he was a member of my family. My sympathy goes out to Mr. Food's family, friends and co-workers. Mr. Food's memories and recipes will live on forever. Thank you Mr. Food and may you rest in peace.

Nov 23, 2012
I remember growing up with my Great Grandmother and Aunt watching Mr. Food. Now that I am gron using his recipes reminds me of thos days. He will truly be missed. God Bless Mr Food and his loing family

mollysue1956 35971 42
Nov 23, 2012
I cannot remember when I started watching Mr. Food it has been so many years he will be truely missed by all of cooking friends where he made it so easy with his recipes. I will be praying for all of his family at this time in their lives. May God bless each of you.

Nov 23, 2012
I truly loved Mr. Food. I have some of his cookbooks and looked forward to seeing his daily recipes on WBOC. He was at the Delaware State Fair a couple years ago and was a "very" personable person and loved life. He will be sadly missed by many. God Bless him!

alesene 6831147
Nov 23, 2012
I am truly heartbroken and sadden by the lost of my Cooking Buddy--Mr. Food. He was a very heartwarming and great individual. I've watched him for quite some time and have cooked and shared many of his great recipes. A lot of my friends loved him too once I told where I got all of those delicious recipes. My heart is sadden and he will truly be missed by this household. We love you Mr. Food and we know that you're in a greater place but you will never be forgotten in our hearts. Thanks for sharing your blessing with us which in turn has become a blessing to many others. We send our greatest condolences, love and prayers to his family and friends. We love you and already miss you, Mr. Food, my cooking Buddy. Fonzie and Family

alesene 6831147
Nov 23, 2012
I am truly heartbroken and sadden by the lost of my Cooking Buddy--Mr. Food. He was a very heartwarming and great individual. I've watched him for quite some time and have cooked and shared many of his great recipes. A lot of my friends loved him too once I told where I got all of those delicious recipes. My heart is sadden and he will truly be missed by this household. We love you Mr. Food and we know that you're in a greater place but you will never be forgotten in our hearts. Thanks for sharing your blessing with us which in turn has become a blessing to many others. We send our greatest condolences, love and prayers to his family and friends. We love you and already miss you, Mr. Food, my cooking Buddy. Fonzie and Family

Nov 23, 2012
I am truly saddened by the passing of this wonderful gentleman. I never had the pleasure of meeting him, but enjoyed seeing him on TV. I've been on the email list for a long time and really love all the yummy recipes and info that they send out. I know Mr. G will be missed by his friends and family, and all of us who have enjoyed just being part of the Mr. Food family. R.I.P.

Nov 23, 2012
I had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Food several years ago. He was such a delight. I have several of his books, and many more of his recipes. I check his website daily. He will be greatly missed.

nwarren2018 933915 2
Nov 23, 2012
He passed so sudden. My condolences go out to his family. He had so many great recipes. I've learned so many things and learned many recipes.

pjnana 9091685
Nov 23, 2012
Mr.Food was a major part of my life and he will be greatly missed. I learned a lot from him over the years, and will miss him so much. My deepest sympathy to his family.

wroberts2101 97257 86
Nov 23, 2012
Mr. Food was part of my TV family for many years and I'm so sorry to hear of his passing. My sympathy and prayers go out to his family. Our local tv station must have been one of the first to pick up his show many years ago. It seems like he has been part of our community for so long. We were so excited to have him as Grand Marshall of our Mardi Gras parade. Although others may follow, no one will ever match his zest for life and good food! He will be greatly missed.
niessner39 4141535
Nov 23, 2012
He was one of my hilites of the day looked forward to seeing him on tv. He will be sadly missed,

betty5680 5590462
Nov 23, 2012
he will be missed love is recipes his popper burger is the best
carlmal 0910968
Nov 23, 2012
We will miss Mr. Food. He was a very giving person.He always came to buffalo Ny for our charity events.

Tammybuck1968 44
Nov 23, 2012
My deepest sympathy to his family,God Bless them.And I was shocked when I heard this,he will be surely missed every day,on tv,the news won't be the same.RIP,Mr.Food.Art Ginsburg.

Nov 23, 2012
My deepest sympathy to his family, he surely will be missed by all. I tried his recipe of chicken and Italian suasage, and my boys who were very young loved it so much. They are now grown and some have families and still request that I make that recipe. He will be in my thoughts and prayers especially when I make this. God Bless him.

sweet virginia
Nov 22, 2012
I will miss most Mr Ginsburg's "Ooh it's so good" love of life. It was strong enough to even come across to the many viewers of his segment. Thanks for being so genuine!

Nov 22, 2012
What a wonderful man. He touched and inspired so many lives with his many recipes, cookbooks, and anecdotes. The only Beef Stroganoff recipe I will ever make! So sorry to hear about his passing.

rumblechick 743215 7
Nov 22, 2012
What a sad day for his family & fans. ut what a happy day for those waiting for him in Heaven.

monyannie69 608953 8
Nov 22, 2012
my prayers are with his family during this sad time. i pray that the Lord will give you strength during this time. mr. food was a man that loved coming to all of our homes and give us a moment to share with us something that he had made. you could tell that he loved what he do. i have enjoyed his recipes and will continue to enjoy them.

mbalek02 6959279
Nov 22, 2012
My deepest sympathy to his family, my thoughts and prayers are with you. I loved Mr. Food's recipes and when he said, "Ooh its so Good." He is up in heaven sharing his recipes and ideas with everyone. Michelle B.

Nov 22, 2012
Oh how i'll miss seeing you on tv! I hate to cook but your segments always made it look fun & easy and made me want to give it a try. God must have needed you in Heaven this Thanksgiving to cook up a great meal! I'm sure I'll hear your voice in my head when i finally cook something that comes out good!

kallen26 3782380
Nov 22, 2012
My deepest sympathy goes to his family. I really enjoyed Mr. Food and his recipes.

nregner 7715175
Nov 22, 2012
I enjoyed Mr. Food and his recipies and will miss him. My sympathy to his family.

Nov 22, 2012
We are so sorry for your loss....we will miss Mr Food and his "'s sooo good". since i retired i got to watch him on Channel 12 news daily...and downloaded several of the recipies he gave, and made so many of them. May God bless your family richly. Mr. Food will be so missed.

Nov 22, 2012
My condolences, to his family first of all, God Blessed this man with such awesomeness. i loved watching the Mr. Food segments. he was always so enthusiastic. He will be greatly missed. God Bless you all

vern2000usa 178759 6
Nov 22, 2012
I loved watching him & his enthusiasm on TV and I always checked on his e-mail newsletters & receipes. We will miss him on both

Nov 22, 2012
I will miss Mr Food. I have so many of his recipes that I turn to time and time again. Condolences to his family. He may be gone, but he will always be in my recipe box. May he rest in peace.

italianmom225 1763 247
Nov 23, 2012
Couldn't have said it better !!!!! He is my "go to" cook each and every time due to ease of receipe and tremendous taste.

MarthaLuvsBasket 8 251847
Nov 22, 2012
My heart felt Sympathy for the Family, so sorry to hear about the loss of Art Ginsburg. I have enjoyed his Program for a long time. I will surely miss him as everyone that he touch will. Rest In Peace.

leighporter14 6419 616
Nov 22, 2012
I send my condolences to his family,and for his fan,lets cook the best Thanksgiving we can,he might be watching us and you don't want to let him down today.

joham8885 0804596
Nov 22, 2012
sorry to hear about Art Ginsburg's passing he will surely be missed by this reader

shultz929 9566334
Nov 22, 2012
My condolences to his family and all who will miss him, including me. He was a very special man.

bensonrift 4135790
Nov 22, 2012
I have spent the last 20 plus years watching Mr. Food, the highlight of my every day. I will sadly miss him. My deepest condolences to all his family, friends, and everyone he helped get dinner on the table for each night.

balkodm 5189992
Nov 22, 2012
I met Art just under 25 years ago while employed at WEAU television in Eau Claire, WI. There are many attributes of this "gentle man" that really impressed me, however his genuine inner person and his caring for others were the most obvious. He truly was an inspiration to everybody, not just those with culinary skills. His family is in our thoughts. Doug B.

ssusannahdiane 549 0302
Nov 22, 2012
i'll be keeping all his family in my prayers and thought. Ethel and his family you are not alone. the whole world who knew him will be mourning as well. long live his spirit.

Nov 22, 2012
Keeping his family and loved ones in my thoughts and prayers today, may his journey home be a quick one.

hrharris2717 76901 89
Nov 22, 2012
I'm so shocked to receive the news of Mr. Ginsburg's death - on Thanksgiving day, of all things! My deepest sympathy goes to his dear family and loved ones. I use his website EVERY DAY, and have tried many of his wonderful recipes. I'm so glad I've been saving his daily postings for a long time, and will still be able to continue to use this wonderful recipe resource

Nov 22, 2012
We're so sorry to hear of Mr. Ginsburg's death. My husband and I have enjoyed watching his cooking show and will miss him. Our deepest sympathy to Mr. Ginsburg family.

Nov 22, 2012
We're so sorry to hear of Mr. Ginsburg's death. My husband and I have enjoyed watching his cooking show and will miss him. Our deepest sympathy to Mr. Ginsburg family.

coachhazelm 981659 9
Nov 22, 2012
What sad news. When I grew up in Florida, my dad loved to watch his show. It inspired him to make so many wonderful dishes and I also became a fan. As soon as you heard the "OOH..." you knew who it was. When I got married we watched him and so did my dad and father-in law together. We have three kids who all love to cook especially our 11 year old Sydney. Mr. Food, our have inspired many generations in our family and we will miss you. Our deepest sympathy to your family, friends and everyone in the test kitchen. McCoy Family NC

Nov 22, 2012
I have enjoyed watching Mr. Food for years and sure will miss him. He was an interesting and kind man who taught me many things about cooking for my family. My condolences to his family.

ctholley 0095640
Nov 22, 2012
"OOH IT'S SO GOOD!!" will be missed,Mr. Food was my best friend when it came to Food. My thoughts and prayers goes out to everyone and especially his family. Connie SC

Nov 22, 2012
It is such a shock & it saddens me deeply to learn of his death especially on Thanksgiving Day!! I will miss him a lot!! My deepest sympathy goes out to his family.

open1gate 9527403
Nov 22, 2012
It saddens me to hear this. I learned a lot from him. I prayers and thought are for his family and friends. He will be truly be missed in my house. Jan in Mo.

Charlie Larkin
Nov 22, 2012
When I was young Mr Food aired on WCVB in Boston and I watched their noon news simply so I could watch him on days I didn't have school While my mother and my grandmothers showed me the basics of how to cook Mr Food along with Julia Child and The Frugal Gourmet were three of the greatest influences on my actual love for cooking They helped me to see the possibilities of cooking and it has served me well from simply taking care of myself as an adult to cooking for friends and family Television has lost one of its greatest personalities culinary arts one of the most practical practitioners and future generation of youngsters one more source of practical real-life education My sincerest condolences to the Ginsburg family and the staff of Mr Food at what I know must be a very difficult time Take comfort in that he…Read More provided millions with the confidence to improve their lives through the joy of cooking and showed many an inquisitive youngster as myself how to cook cook well and enjoy it

Nov 22, 2012
OH No!! This Soooooo Saddens my heart...What a wonderful person with his Great, simple, fast and easy recipes he brought to all of us.. My Sincere Condolences to his family..God Bless each and every one of them... I'm so sorry..

Nov 22, 2012
My deepest sympathy to the family and friends of our beloved Mr. Food. He left us with a legacy that will continue for generations to come. God bless you, Art, and thank you.

katw50 6937529
Nov 22, 2012
RIP Mr. Art Ginsburg aka Mr. Food. I learned a lot from you over the years. Thank you for all the great recipes. You will be missed.

baillie63 5052915
Nov 22, 2012
For years, my family watched Mr. Food on WHEC-TV (Rochester, NY). He was always so upbeat and his recipes are so easy to follow. My sympathies to his family. He will be greatly missed!

amelodyg 5922729
Nov 22, 2012
I loved to watch him on WBNG Binghamton NY on days I did not have to work. He will be missed,

msmeli39 5850903
Nov 22, 2012
He was always on when I lived in TX and I always looked forward to his oh it's so good!

tribarkin15 217592 9
Nov 22, 2012
I was preparing my Thanksgiving vegetables when the news of Mr. Food's passing came over the television and it occurred to me how fitting that Mr. Food went to heaven on Thanksgiving Day as God must have needed a wonderful cook to prepare Thanksgiving Dinner in heaven...I'll miss this wonderful man and his great tv segments that always made me feel great when he'd say "Oh, it's sooo good!" Rest In Peace Mr. Food!

Janice Kelsey
Nov 22, 2012
I remember Art Ginsburg from my days as a Visual & Performaing Arts student at Russell Sage College in Troy, New York. Sitting in a little black box theater wondering who this obviously highly respected man was who was sitting there watching a rehearsal of our latest musical. I remember that he was kind.

leediablo 7771294
Nov 22, 2012
Always enjoyed his recipes and video's. He will be sorely missed! May the grace of God be with his family in the coming year; Respectfully Lee & Bonnie Lincoln

Nov 22, 2012
Sympathy and prayers go out to Mr. Food's Family. He will be missed! Thanks to him I have found many "oh its soooo good recipes".

Nov 22, 2012
I own every cookbook that Mr. Food authored. My husband and I met him at the Philadelphia airport in 2010 after a Today Special Value of TV Favorites on QVC, I told him I owned all and every one of his cookbooks, but did not have the new one. He got a copy from his manager and promptly autographed it with a very nice personal message. We went to the US Airway lounge and there he was again. We had the honor of spending another hour with him and will treasure that time we got to spend with him. A wonderful man, our hearts go out to his family.

disney099 6655693
Nov 22, 2012
I am so very sorry to hear about Mr. Food's passing. I just loved him and all of his appreciation for food. I shall miss him deeply. My thoughts and prayers are with his dear family.

Nov 22, 2012
I am personally blessed in having Mr. Food personally as a dear friend and cooking mentor. Mr. Food and I enjoyed dinner together when he did a book signing in New York. We had lovely conversations and he was very happy to sign every single one of my Mr. Food cookbooks! I am an avid cook and Art was instrumental in helping me make my decision approximately 10 years ago to become a chef's assistant for a country club in New York. He was very proud of me and I will always remember and never forget my dear compassionate friend "Mr. Food". After 30+ years, I still use/refer to all of his cookbooks. I am deeply saddened and will miss him dearly. My thoughts and prayers to his family at this difficult time. Rest in Peace my dearest cooking friend in the whole world. I love you!

Papa Cow
Nov 22, 2012
I am blessed in having known Mr Food personally, and feel his loss deeply. He saved this diabetic from death by following his recipes from his diabetic cookbooks. To his family, friends, and fans, I am so struck by his death. RIP, my dear friend Art.

acpanzer 7238791
Nov 21, 2012
I am sad. I loved his fun, easy recipes. Prayers for his family and gratitude for his work. He will be missed.

Nov 21, 2012
So sorry to hear about his passing. I loved his show!!!! RIP Mr.Food, prayers go out to his family at this time. :-(

gelf19 3029180
Nov 21, 2012
I am so very sad for the loss of this wonderful, down home man who loved cooking and shared his joy with the world.

kathyqualex 316078 4
Nov 21, 2012
Mr. Food was my mentor. I never cooked until I discovered Mr. Food on WSBT-TV. I have oodles & oodles of notebooks full of his daily recipes. You will be greatly missed in our household. RIP Art

bowermclain 551609 4
Nov 21, 2012
I enjoyed watching his segments on our local KFOR channel in Oklahoma City. He was a delight to listen to. Thank you Mr. Food, Art Ginsburg, for all the memories. Prayers to your family. You will be missed.

Nov 21, 2012
I really hate to read of the passing of Mr. Food. He has been like a part of my family for so many years. I pray that God lays His sweet loving hands on Mr. Foods family and friends thru this difficult time and give each of them the strength to stay strong. THANK YOU MR. FOOD, FOR ALL OF YOUR TIME, TIPS AND RECIPES THAT YOU HAVE SENT ALONG OUR WAY....YOU WILL BE TRULY MISSED AND MAY YOU RIP....this I ask in Gods name.....A-MEN....

dancingbehr 134958 5
Nov 21, 2012
When I was a young bride, Mr. Food taught me how to cook. That was 30 years ago. I will miss him. RIP, Art and God bless you.

KLBME 2035230
Nov 21, 2012
I am so sad...I feel like he is a part of my family. I have watched him for years, THANK YOU Mr. Food for all of your recipes. RIP..... God bless your family...

theresapitts 67315 83
Nov 21, 2012

Janemyers 3380910
Nov 21, 2012
I am deeply saddened to hear of the loss of a wonderful chef. Mr. Food always gave us great recipes & I loved watching him on TV making dishes that were easy to prepare & always OOH SO GOOD! He will be missed by so many.

griffiningram 1366 856
Nov 21, 2012
i would like to send my condolences to the family of art ginsburg, better known,as mr. food,he brought a lot of joy to many people, as well as a love of cooking.

lonnieann601 84122 10
Nov 21, 2012
I just got a call from my son, he said he had just got bad news. He told me of hearing that Mr. Food had passed away. He loves cooking and enjoyed him as I did also. Blessings on him and his family.

Nov 21, 2012
This very sad news... The Mr Food shows made cooking fun I love his cookbooks, the recipes are easy and you don't have to shop for a lot of special ingredients..I can still hear him saying "Ooh it's so good!!" Art Ginsberg you were and still are Ooh so good!!! You will be missed!!! R.I.P!!! His family is in my thoughts

Nov 21, 2012
I am so very sorry to learn of Mr. Ginsburg's passing. I have cherished his TV moments and enjoyed so many of his delicious recipes. May he rest in G-d's care always. He will be greatly missed by so many. My condolences to his dear family and friends.

joystoy2011 186999 6
Nov 21, 2012
I am saddened to find out that Art Ginsburg has passed. He was on QVC not too long ago promoting a book. Had no idea he was ill and with pancreatic cancer. He was a great teacher and showed me and others some techniques in cooking that we otherwise would not have known about. Thank you Mr Food and may you now be pain free and resting peacefully. My condolences to his family.

rachelrdc 5004352
Nov 21, 2012
I so loved hearing him say "Oooh, it's so good!" I never tired of the phrase and will miss him a lot.

joe ohio
Nov 21, 2012
My wife and I met Mr Food and Mrs Food while on our honeymoon in Riveria Maya in May of 2005 we were staying at the same resort. At the time we didnt realize that his was a national show, we had always thought he was local to our area. They were gracious enough to take several pictures with us and we still tell friends and family about that honeymoon encounter. RIP...

bowl51 3549235
Nov 21, 2012
Mr. Food was a great friend that I looked forward to each day on TV and in my email. His receipes were fun and didn't require special ingredients. I will always remember his joy for great taste. I will miss him very much.

Delidan 7517510
Nov 21, 2012
I have made many of your recipes and have loved them all RIP and god bleeds your wife and family

Nov 21, 2012
I am very sad to hear this I can remember my parents watching Mr.Food when I was a child. My prayers go out to his Wife & Family

lbar63 6903257
Nov 21, 2012
I am very sadden of his passing. - I really enjoyed how he made everything look so easy. We know where he'll be cooking now...............

Nov 21, 2012
as a cook myself i enjoyed his recipes and it is a sad day in the culinary world chef hats off to this wonderful man :(

jofox61 4573683
Nov 21, 2012
Mr. Ginsburg will truly be missed. His dedication and friendly presence on the tube were so welcome each weekday. His recipes are so reliable that they have made up a great deal of my cooking for the past several years. I am very sad to see him gone,and send my prayers to his family and friends. He made life much brighter for many of us.

Gerry Stack
Nov 21, 2012
I am truly saddened to hear about this death. I have soooooooo many of his cookbooks and always enjoyed seeing him on tv. He actually taught me that cooking could be FUN!!!

royburdette25075 8 646870
Nov 21, 2012
My condolences. His catch phrase and his pep on tv always made my day.

Nov 21, 2012
My deepest sympathy goes to his wife, family and friends...I have enjoyed watching Mr. Food for many years and I will miss him. What a knowledge base of recipes he has left for everyone, and the TV programs, all delivered with his unique personality. He just seemed like such a nice man to me...we need more like him in this world.

Nov 21, 2012
Mr. Food cooked from the heart, with a common-sense approach to produce healthy, tastful and good looking dishes that appealed to both the palette and the eye. His understanding of the term "comfort food" made each of associate some fond memory from our past with most of the recipes he prepared for us. Rest in Peace, Mr. Food, the recipes and memories you have left us with were sooooo good!

michelllewoods 313 9366
Nov 21, 2012
Deeply saddened by Arts passing, went to my handy dandy receipe helper for Thanksgiving and just found out about Art...a great chef and person will be missed by all

toggers55 6980002
Nov 21, 2012
I remember some years back when I first saw Art on TV news doing one of his thousands of recipes. Each and every recipe he did on the show always bought a huge smile to my family and myself. Art you will truly be missed here, but I know now you are in Heaven giving all the Angels cooking tips. We will always miss you good friend.

Nov 21, 2012
Many thanks to him for all the good recipes and tips through the years. He will be greatly missed.

Nov 21, 2012
I loved getting Mr. Food's emails each day and saved everyone of them in my recipe folder in my email. I will treasure each and every one of them more deeply now. Even though I have tons of cookbooks, ecookbooks and recipes from the web, Mr. Food's are the ones I would go to first and most often. I knew they would be quick, easy and tasty. He will be missed. Shery Sullivan, Joliet, Illinois & Leesburg, Florida

vstern77 2353236
Nov 21, 2012
I am so sorry to hear this ... I so enjoyed seeing him several times a week on our local news @ noon absolutely love this recipe site & how he made EVERYTHING look & sound delicious as well as easy to make for dummys like me :) My thots & prayers to family & friends fondly, Vicki Stern Chambersburg Pa

a1raney 9707003
Nov 21, 2012
So very sorry to hear this news. He always dished out the best tasting, most practical, real-life recipes garnished with a lovable personality. We will miss you Mr. Food!

Nov 21, 2012
I remember watching Mr. Food as I got ready for school. Then I grew up to work at a news station and air his pieces on the show. So sad to hear this news :( My mornings and Mr. Food will never be the same.

Nov 21, 2012
He was one of those types of people you thought would live to he was 100. He seemed to have such a passion for life and living it to the fullest. He would always leave the air making sure he put a smile on someones face. He will greatly be missed, but his tradition of sharing good food and recipes will be shared by others who were inspired with his love of the kitchen

Harley Rider 91
Nov 21, 2012
Watched you every day. You could relate to everyone. RIP Art. God Bless the family. Oooh it was sooo good to watch your show.

marydavis1608 3763 652
Nov 21, 2012
my heart goes out to the family of Art Ginsburg aka Mr.Food, he will be sadly miss, i will also miss his signature catch " OOH IT'S SO GOOD!"

Matt Battle
Nov 21, 2012
My sincere condolences go out to the Ginsburg family. When I moved to upstate NY in 1981 Mr. Food was on the air and was always fun to watch. You could always tell he loved what he was doing and his good humor was contagious. He made you want to cook and try new things. RIP.

marcy 0340446
Nov 21, 2012
Mr. Food inspired me when I discovered him on local TV 20 years ago. I was a young wife struggling to be a good cook & was watching several cooking shows. I have stuck with Mr. Food because his recipes tasted great but were simple with few, but choice ingredients. He will be greatly missed by many, but I will make sure to pass my favorite Mr. Food dishes along to future generations. God is blessed to have such a great chef to help out with the cooking & the "OOH IT'S SO GOOD!!"

2smits 7666360
Nov 21, 2012
He was always so upbeat. What an inspiration he was.!! RIP MR. FOOD

Nov 21, 2012
I am so sad to hear of the passing of dear Mr. Food, Art Ginsburg. I cannot count the times his lighthearted approach to cooking made me happy, just from watching a few minutes of it at the tail end of a news broadcast or whenever. Since the advent of YouTube, I've relived some Mr. Food moments when trying to decide "what's for dinner." No matter what I ended up cooking, it was always "so good." My deepest condolences to Mrs. Ginsburg and his dear family and friends. I hope we all can learn from his life that food is to be enjoyed, and always good! with love & prayers, Cassie Perry in Georgia, USA

livinmyownlife 831 2288
Nov 21, 2012
I am so sorry about the passing of Mr. Food. He unknowingly taught me how to cook when I moved away from home. His love of food also inspired me to branch out and start cooking other things as well. Twenty years later my mother is happy to be passing the Thanksgiving tradition over to me. I will miss you Mr. Food.

19fan 0436648
Nov 21, 2012
I am so sorry about the passing of our dear fiend Mr. Food. I will miss him and his wonderful recipes. He taught me how to make great colesalw. I will be lifting his family up in prayer. Chipper Hall

stephanie32571 323 8736
Nov 21, 2012
My deepest condolences go out to Mrs. Food and the littler snacks. Mr. Food came across as always jovial, and he provided the audience with yummy recipes, too. We will miss you, Mr. Food.

fch2010 1614691
Nov 21, 2012
It is hard to imagine a world without Mr. Food. Ironically I was preparing his no roll crust when KWWL in Waterloo IA announced the worlds loss. God bless you and your loved ones.

Marias kitchen
Nov 21, 2012
The tears in my eyes cannot possibly convey the sadness in my heart! Today, the day before Thanksgiving, I immediately came to Mr. Food's website, as I NEEDED some help with a few recipes. I am shocked with the news of his passing. To his wife & family, my prayers are with you. I know that I speak for many others.................this Thanksgiving WE are ALL very thankful for having had the opportunity to "know" Mr. Food. May God bless him in heaven at the "Heavenly Banquet" of our Lord. I am sure he is grinning from ear to ear as he tells the angels "OH, IT'S SOOOOO GOOD". Rest in peace my friend :)

dgt178 9605340
Nov 21, 2012's to you Mr. were sooo good........

newyork716 Steve
Nov 21, 2012
Mr. Food did so much for the children of Western New York throught the annual Variety Kids Telethon on WKBW-TV Channel 7. For 19 striaght years he came to Buffalo to co-host the annual Telethon and gave it his all. He love the kids and they loved him right back. He was a true friend. Everyone that met him loved him and respected him. We will miss his booming voice, his compassion and his love! Our prayers and sympathy go out to his wife Ethel and his children! Mr. Food was an amazing man!! There will not ever be another like him. His tag line said it perfectly....He was....SO GOOD!!! Rest in Peace Mr. Food! Steve Podosek, Variety Kids Telethon Executive Producer

Nov 21, 2012
I recently got hooked on Mr. Food and loved the recipes and the way he presented them every day. My thoughts and prayers are with the family. Hopefully the show will go on.

marilynhenriksen 8 871074
Nov 21, 2012
I am sending my sincerest condolences to the family of "Mr. Food"...I looked forward to catching his recipes on my local news each day at 12:20 p.m. You will be missed by me and my family...

slnortino 3977670
Nov 21, 2012
My thoughts and prayers go out to the Ginsburg Family today for their loss. Mr. Food has been an integral part of my "learning to cook" and his recipes have never dissapointed me. I tuned in daily to my 11:00AM news channel KOLR10 JUST to see what Mr. Food would have cooking that day - I will truly miss his charming personality and no one will ever be able to say "ohh, it's so good" the way Mr. Food did! With sincererest sympathies, Stacey N.

bcwakeley 5245566
Nov 21, 2012
Thanks for all the years of great recipes MR FOOD . You will be missed REST IN PEACE!!!!

Nov 21, 2012
I was so sad to hear of his passing. I have been using his recipes for years, and I so loved watching him on television. He will be missed!

susanbze 8043891
Nov 21, 2012
My heart goes out to his family, especially at holiday time. I will truly miss him. I have used so many of his recipes that he sent via email and always stopped to listen when he was on TV. God Bless All of You. You were so fortunate to have such a wonderful and giving man in your lives.

swtpepsigirl9577 6 577675
Nov 21, 2012
Buffalo is going to miss you Sir, we loved your spirit & energy & generosity at the Variety Club Telethons. It won't be the same watching it without you there. Aside from amazing recipes, the best legacy left was your heart.

birdmaninnc 967217 1
Nov 21, 2012
I liked watching Mr Food on TV you made the recipe's look so easy to fix prepare & cook & it was Oooh!!! So Good My thoughts & prayers to his family

Nov 21, 2012

melzala 3
Nov 21, 2012
i am so sad to hear this news! i've watched mr. food for what seems like every day of my life (i'm 31). i always took for granted his "oh it's so good" phrase because it seems now, that's what i'll miss the most. thanks for all the memories and delicious recipes!

Nov 21, 2012
Thoughts and prayers to Mr Food's family and friends. He has brought many wonderful recipe to our family. He will be missed!

Nov 21, 2012
My thoughts and prayers go out to Mr. Ginsburg and his family. I had the pleasure of working with Mr. Food for many months in the late 90s and it was a great experience. I loved being in his test kitchen and seeing him at work. He will be missed. Rest in Peace, Mr. Food!

jgore1251 6995871
Nov 21, 2012
What a loss with the passing of Mr. Food!!! His recipes were always my favorites to prepare: simple, easy, and "Oh So Good" Rest in peace Mr. Food.

desrtroz 5385593
Nov 21, 2012
I'm extremely saddened by the news of Mr. Food (Art Ginsburg) passing. He seemed to be a truly nice person. His loved recipes will live on throughout the country. Rest Well, Mr. Food. We'll truly miss you. Rose L

tncchrn 6311185
Nov 21, 2012
Mr Food we will miss you but we no you are in a better place and God's love and peace with your family

Nov 21, 2012
So many of Mr. Ginsburg's recipes have become our family's traditions. My son has asked for his Cheesy Italian Noodles for his birthday for most of his life (he's in his late 20's now.) Our whole family sends our sympathy and thanks to his family; you have had the grace to share him with us for so many years and let him become part of our family, as well. We will be raising a special glass of gratitude to him tomorrow at our Thanksgiving table, where several of his recipes will be shared. We will always remember him with love.

Chris C
Nov 21, 2012
Mr. Food's warmth and voice have been a part of my life since I could talk...will miss seeing him!

shirleyb1950 98708 10
Nov 21, 2012
My daughter called me a little bit ago and told me about Mr. Food's death. I was soooo glad to be sitting down when she did,,,,,,,,,cause it was quite a shock to me. I watched his show about every day and have tried a lot of his recipes. Ooooohhhhh, he was right when he said "Oooh so good". Anyway we will miss you alot. Our thoughts and prayers are with his wife and family.

Member 8226249
Nov 21, 2012
My sympathy and deepest regrets go out to his family and friends. Mr. Food has been a part of my life for over 30 years. Everyday I check to see whats cooking. OOH HE WAS SO GOOD!!!!

wernerflo67 975307 9
Nov 21, 2012
Mr. Food has given me some of the very best recipes, and I have enjoyed his website and emailed newsletters. Thank you, Mr. Food, for making me a better cook and allowing me to have so many great meals. My condolences to his family and friends.

Nov 21, 2012
I am sad to hear this. I have recently fell in love with this site and I am greatful to the man who made it possible. Thank you Mr. Food for helping me develope my talents in the kitchen! My prayers are with your family at this time!

The Cutting Edge o f Ordinary
Nov 21, 2012
How very sad. I enjoyed so many of his recipes. Thoughts and prayers to his family. Rest in peace Mr. Food.

Kim berley
Nov 21, 2012
My heartfelt prayers and condolences go out to Art's family and those whose hearts he touched.

Rich Morgan
Nov 21, 2012
Thank you for sharing Mr. Food with us at WKBN-TV in Youngstown, Ohio! I'll never forget when he came to town for the American Cancer Society. His energy was catchy. He loved the viewers. He made everyone around him feel special!

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