Eat Your Colors! - Easy Healthy Recipes


Eat Your Colors! - Easy Healthy Recipes

Fresh fruits and vegetables all have at least one thing in common - they're colorful! That's why a plate of food that's all one bland color is no good. When you're trying to eat a healthy and balanced diet you want a plate that's covered in many different rich and vibrant colors, which is why we've put together this collection of easy healthy recipes. 


These vivid colors can't be found in packaged and processed foods. In fact, the natural pigments that make our fruits and veggies so bright are just what makes 'em powerhouses when it comes to protecting our bodies from diseases. Research shows that the good-for-you element in our produce rainbow is a compound called a phytonutrient. Basically, that's just an organic part of a plant that's thought to promote good health. Sounds good to us!


We have a bunch of fresh and easy healthy recipes, but these are some of our favorites!

Amish Harvest Tomatoes


Citrus Honey Carrots

Red tomatoes are rich with lycopene, which has been shown to reduce the risk of some cancers, improve memory, and decrease the risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes. We love 'em in heart-healthy dishes like our Amish Harvest Tomatoes


We all know that the beta carotene in orange foods like carrots are good for our eyes, but did you know that they also are a great source of Vitamin A, which strengthens our immune system and gives us healthy skin? Why not incorporate them into your diet with our Citrus Honey Carrots?

Farm-Fresh Corn Salad


Sauteed Lollipops with Pancetta

The yellow in corn is also an abundant source of beta carotene, and it acts as an antioxidant to help combat heart disease and cancer. Add some to your dinner by making a side of Farm-Fresh Corn Salad to help aid digestion and brain function. Who wouldn't want to be just a little bit smarter?! 


Dark leafy greens like kale, spinach, and collard greens get their color from chlorophyll and lutein. They provide a great source of protein, vitamins, and minerals, like in our tasty Sauteed Lollipops with Pancetta. They also supply your body with potassium, which helps regular blood-pressure levels.

Banana-Blueberry Smoothie


Cauliflower Stir Fry

The blue in blueberries, along with the purple in foods like eggplant, have anthocyanins that protect against short-term memory loss and cancer. For breakfast, we recommend a Banana-Blueberry Smoothie. Or some Grilled Eggplant for an easy healthy dinner recipe! 


Thought all white foods were refined? You might want to rethink that when you hear the benefits of anthoxanthins in white foods, like cauliflower and onions, may reduce stroke and inflammation, and ward off disease! Our Cauliflower Stir Fry is a tasty way to integrate white foods in your meals.





Here's some food for thought: the next time you're preparing a plate of food, try to incorporate at least three different colors. It's as simple as starting off with a green Wilted Spinach Salad, adding a main dish of pink Fresh Salmon Burgers, and paring it with a side of orange Baked Sweet Potato Fries. This way you can ensure you've got an array of tasty, nutritious options that'll keep you full and satisfied. 


Eating healthy doesn't mean we have to sacrifice our quick and easy mantra. Nope, we've got tons of delicious options to "taste the rainbow" that'll fit your busy schedule. Eat up! 


(If you'd like even more easy healthy recipes, check out our Everyday Diabetic Recipes site!) 

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